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Click here to explore design concepts, visual renderings and answer a few quick questions. Provide your input to help refine the concepts into a final set of recommended improvements that will enhance your travel experience in the heart of historic Westminster. Draft improvements aim to break the barrier for better east-west connections, calm traffic, and imporve safety, comfort, and livability.

Help us design 72nd Avenue here! 

A Critical East-West Corridor

The city is conducting a study of 72nd Avenue between Pierce Street and Zuni Streets, one of the city's original and major transportation routes. 72nd Avenue is in historic Westminster, and it provides important east-west connectons to:

  • Schools 
  • Businesses & services
  • Neighborhoods
  • Parks, open spaces, and trails
  • Westminster Station (served by the RTD B-Line)
  • and other key destinations within Westminster and beyond

The purpose of the study is to identify enhancements that will provide better accommodations for all modes of travel and boost economic vitality. The total funding for the study is $230,000. Over 80% of the cost is covered by a Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) grant.

Previous Planning

The 72nd Avenue Corridor Study builds upon several recent planning efforts that highlighted the importance of improving the safety, connectivity, vitality, and accessibility of 72nd Avenue, including:

Study Process and Progress

The process to complete the study includes four main phases:

Phase 1 – Data Collection & Community Visioning – COMPLETE
Collect and analyze data to understand how 72nd Avenue functions today and gather community ideas for improvements that will enhance mobility.

  • The Existing Condition Report is available for review here
  • The Economic Vitality Report is available for review here
  • The Phase 1 Engagement Summary is available for review here.
  • The Draft Vision and Goals are available for review here.

Phase 2 – Ideas for Improvement – IN PROGRESS
Present an initial set of ideas generated from technical analysis and community input. Gather feedback to refine and progress ideas.

  • The project team is currently developing improvement concepts
  • Additional community engagement is anticipated for Spring 2024. Please check back for more details.

Phase 3 – Design Concepts – ANTICIPATED SPRING 2024
Present design concepts that help the community fully visualize the possibilities. Gather feedback for final refinements and prioritization of how projects may be funded or implemented.

Phase 4 – Final Plan & Next Steps– ANTICIPATED SUMMER 2024
Present a plan for future enhancements that reflects the needs of the community and provides Westminster with a recommended path forward to pursue funding.

Draft Vision and Goals

The process is guided by an overarching vision statement which describes the desired future conditions of 72nd Avenue. The vision and goals are based on previous planning efforts, recent community feedback, and the needs identified through the evaluation of existing conditions.

Draft Vision

“The vision for 72nd Avenue is a safe and accessible corridor that instills a sense of place and serves as an artistic and attractive gateway to the Westminster Station area, supporting multimodal connections to and from Westminster neighborhoods, businesses, parks and schools.”

Draft Goals

  • Improve safety for all ages, abilities, and modes traveling along and across 72nd Avenue
  • Enhance the corridor’s visual appearance, establishing its sense of place and celebrating its history and identity through enhancements to the urban environment and fostering business revitalization
  • Enhance livability, foster maintainable and climate appropriate green scaping and shade-enhancing improvements
  • Create opportunities for social interaction and community building
  • Provide mobility choices and increase accessibility


For more information on the study, contact Chris Chovan, Senior Transportation and Mobility Planner,

Example sidewalk design rendering of 72nd Avenue. Your feedback can help shape these ideas.