We Love Book Clubs!
We love working with book clubs and can provide programming and support.
Book Group Bags: The library offers a collection of book group bags to support your book club. Each bag contains 10 copies of the same book, a discussion guide and author biography. Bags check out for six weeks. Selections are updated several times per year. See the list of adult book group bags. If you have questions about using a book group bag, please call the College Hill Information Desk at 303-658-2604.
Library Book Clubs
Noon Book Club (In Person and on Zoom)
First Wednesday of each month, noon to 1 p.m., Irving Street, Community Room
Read the selected book and be prepared to join us for a lively discussion about the book. Please check the Library Calendar for up coming titles. AGES: 18 and older. Register for each meeting to receive a Zoom invitation.
Evening Book Club
Second Monday of each month, 6-7:30 p.m. College Hill, Room L167
Want to be in a book club where you actually talk about the book? Meet new friends and expand your reading with hot new titles and old favorites you might have missed! AGES: 18+. Up coming titles decided by members at the meeting. Please see the Library Calendar for more information.