Adopted 2024 Budget

The adopted 2024 budget assessed the state of the City with one purpose in mind: to ensure that Westminster thrives in 2024. To accomplish this purpose, this adopted budget:

  • Delivers exceptional core municipal services while maintaining high standard service levels (no service reductions);
  • Establishes a capital improvement plan that serves as an annual contract with City Council and community; and
  • Cares for the City Team by recruiting and retaining exceptional employees through generous market-driven pay and benefits, development and well-being opportunities, and positive Team culture.

The City of Westminster is truly living within its means and practicing responsible, appropriate, and prudent budgeting. Revenues remain strong in 2024 and sales and use taxes are projected to grow 3.6% over 2023. This allows the City to provide exceptionally high service levels across the community.

This adopted budget is part of a longer process in evaluating the City and guiding our work for years to come. The 2024 Budget adopts a capital plan that is achievable. It includes an additional $55 million in funds for general capital projects, in conscious effort to work towards additional projects that provide the base to build the future of the Westminster community. Across all City funds, this capital plan includes funding for:

  • Streets and transportation - $15.1 million;
  • Public safety - $7.2 million;
  • Utilities - $71.1 million;
  • Economic development - $4 million; and
  • Parks, recreation, and libraries - $10.7 million.

Aligned to the City’s Strategic Plan and Vision, this budget strengthens core City services for Westminster residents and businesses and sets our community up to thrive for years to come.

The budget development process spans the majority of the year. The following summarizes the 2024 Budget development schedule:

  • March 20, 2023 – Personnel Budget Process Started
  • April 24, 2023 – CIP Process Started
  • May 22, 2023 – Budget Process Opened to Departments
  • July 17, 2023 – City Council – Revenue Review
  • August 5, 2023 – City Council – Budget Retreat
  • August 30, 2023 – Release of Proposed 2024 Budget
  • September 11, 2023 – Public Hearing on the Proposed 2024 Budget
  • September 18, 2023 – City Council Review of Proposed 2024 Budget
  • October 9, 2023 – Second Public Hearing on the Proposed 2024 Budget, Pay Plan Adoption, and First Reading of Councillor's Bills Adopting 2024 Budget and Appropriating Funds for the 2024 Budget 
  • October 23, 2023 – Second Reading of Councillor's Bills Adopting 2024 Budget and Appropriating Funds for the 2024 Budget 

Westminster Economic Development Authority (WEDA) 2024 Budget

WEDA was created by City Council in 1987 to provide a mechanism for promoting redevelopment and development in the City. The Authority operates independently of the general City operations, having its own budget and board of directors. The City Council serves as the exoffico Board of Directors for the Authority.

The total budget for 2024 is inclusive of the following URAs within WEDA:

  • Holly Park
  • Mandalay Gardens
  • North Huron
  • South Sheridan
  • Westminster Center East Sub-Area
  • Westminster Urban Reinvestment Project

General Improvement District Board 2024 Budget

The City of Westminster Council established the District on August 10, 2015, with the primary purpose of maintaining the public improvements in the District, funding operating costs for the District, and funding future capital improvements in the District. Pursuant to the creation ordinance, City Council serves as the exofficio Board of Directors of the District.

The total budget for 2024 is for the following Districts:

  • Downtown Westminster
  • Sheridan Crossing
  • Park 1200
  • 136th Avenue
  • Orchard Park Place North
  • Amherst
  • Westminster Station
  • Mandalay Town Center
  • 144th Avenue