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Police Department

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Westminster Public Safety Center
9110 Yates St.
Westminster, CO 80031

Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: 303-658-4360
Animal Management: 303-658-4326

Email: police@westminsterco.gov  Please do not report crime to this email address as it is not monitored outside of business hours.

Follow us on social media: FacebookTwitterInstagram and Nextdoor.


As seen in many communities across the country, police accountability and transparency are vital components to building a safe and positive environment for all. We need improves communication between police departments and the people and communities they service, in order to protect and support each other.

We all have a right to know how our laws are enforced and how our communities are policed. We want to reassure you our police department operates with transparency and accountability, which is why were committed to increasing police transparency here in Westminster.

At the Westminster Police Department, we take pride in being transparent with the public. We believe that when the public has access to accurate information about the way police operate, they have more trust in our officers.


The Westminster Police Department has contracted with Lexipol to have our polices reviewed and updated. Once this process is complete, you will be able to access those policies online. We hope to have this project completed by February 2024.


It is the goal of the Westminster Police Department to provide the highest level of law enforcement services. We want to ensure our employees are performing their duties professionally. Police work is a complex job and we realize we may exceed or fall short of your expectations.

Compliments or complaints may be made at any time via any one of the ways listed below.

Emailed to police@westminsterco.gov

Handwritten or typed compliments or complaints may be mailed to:

Westminster Police Department Professional Standards

c/o Professional Services Commander

9110 Yates Street

Westminster, CO  80031

Call the non-emergency dispatch line at 303-658-4360 and a request to speak to the on-duty supervisor.

Come into the Public Safety Center located at 9110 Yates Street and ask to speak with the on-duty sergeant or commander.

Comments may be left on our comment line at 303-658-4424.

We value your input on the level of service we deliver.

BODY-WORN CAMERA (BWC): The planning, purchasing and deploying of 200 Axon Body 3 cameras began at the end of 2020. In March 2021, the department had their first team of early adopters equipped with body cameras. This included at least one officer from every shift and section. In November 2021 the department had every officer equipped with a body camera.

Westminster PD has fully implemented the BWC program ahead of the July 1, 2023 date required by SB20-217.. All sworn Police and Animal Management officers are equipped, trained and utilizing their assigned camera each day when interacting with citizens. We currently have 200 plus Axon Body Camera 3s in use and looking forward to upgrading to Axon Body Camera 4s in the latter part of 2023, early 2024. The newer cameras have updated features such as wider field of view and more accurate GPS location.

Our body worn camera unit consists of 4 technicians, they are supervised by the Technical Services Commander. There is currently one vacancy in the unit.

The technicians are responsible for maintaining the functionality of the cameras and their associated equipment. They also account for, properly categorizing and identifying all body worn camera videos in Evidence.com.  They set up the officers' equipment, and train them on the use of their camera.  When a public request for a video comes into records, they are responsible for the redaction of those videos in accordance with the Colorado Open Records Act

Body-Worn Camera Footage Library


The Westminster Police Department complies with HB 15-1287, which mandates training requirements for Colorado Police officers in the areas of; Anti Bias training, Community Policing and De-Escalation skills. In addition, this bill created Rule 28 which further defines required areas of training for police officers in the State of Colorado.


The blue line represents the men and women of law enforcement who stand in the gap between the lawless and the innocent. The background to the flag is stark, representing the men and women who have died defending that line, all embracing the American flag and the unity it symbolizes.

The thin blue line is sometimes mistaken for what some have called the blue wall of silence. That wall, which has indeed existed in some times and places, refers to the shielding of police officers by their colleagues from responsibility for misconduct. The representation of the blue wall of silence is not a revered value to police officers, but a vestige of the past that leaders must still work to overcome.

The rich and deep symbolism of the thin blue line, and the flag on which it appears, is not a flag of defiance. It is not part of a battle cry by police officers of aggression toward the public or those who oppose law and order. It is not a flag pronouncing superiority of class or privilege. It is a symbol to the citizenry that the thin blue line will not be broken. When it appears, it says of the bearer that they support the concept of justice and reason, as well as the strength of the law as enforced by those entrusted to do so. For a police officer, it says they are a part of something bigger than themselves. For the civilian, it says they are willing to stand with those who join in everyone’s responsibility to maintain peace and those whose vocation is dedicated to maintaining peace.

Reference: https://tinyurl.com/3unb4f6c


2023 Total Budget: $43,315,150

2023 Grant Amount Awarded (Projected): $472,569

(This is projected because not all grant awards have been announced to-date)

2023 Police Department Grants


Overtime Expenses

Co-Responder Services Program Grant

Salary, Benefits, Supplies, Training and Travel

CVS VOCA Grant (2 Year Grant)

Salary and Benefits




Overtime Expenses

NEW CDOT Highway Safety Office Grant            

Overtime & Lidars


Training & Travel


Mandatory Wellness & Training


Salary, Benefits & Overtime

State Grants (HVIDE, LEAF, CATPA-CMATT, and Co-Responder Services Program):

HVIDE and LEAF is for DUI Enforcement.

CATPA-CMATT is for partial re-imbursement for an Auto Theft Detective’s salary, benefits and overtime for cases that occur within our jurisdiction. We are unable to accurately project for current and future years. It is case dependent. In the past, we were considered a Vendor with CMATT, so there will be no GIN assigned if that remains the case.

The Co-Responder Services Program is for full funding for 2.0 FTE Co-Responders and partial funding for a Co-Responder Supervisor. We anticipate applying for annually so long as funding continues to be available.  

Federal Grants (EBM JAG, ICAC, CVS-VOCA, DOLA and CDOT):

EBM JAG is a local solicitation grant that is utilized to purchase needed equipment. Historically, the awarded amount changes. It is never consistent.

ICAC provides for training and travel.

The CVS-VOCA grant is for partial funding for salary and benefits for a 1.0 FTE fulltime Court VA and partial funding for salary and benefits for a 1.0 FTE part-time salary Court VA as well as for emergency funds. Funding for the CVS-VOCA Grant is a 2-year grant.

DOLA is for Mandatory Wellness Checks, training and travel for sworn officers. It run over 1 year.

The PD anticipates being officially awarded two separate CDOT grants that will provide for overtime and equipment. Both these grants have the possibility to run for a total of 3 years each.


  • Monthly statistics will highlight the PD’s NIBRS reported data and the PD’s investigation caseload. Please find our monthly statistics report here.
  • Bi-weekly statistics will highlight the PD’s bi-weekly and year-to-date calls for service, speeding tickets, auto thefts and recoveries, and top calls per PD beat. Please find our bi-weekly statistics report here.


Crisis Intervention Team (CIT): The Westminster Police Department continues to recognize the need to train our officers with special skills to recognize when they are interacting with a citizen who may be in crisis and provide them help them in their time of need.

Westminster currently has 129 officers CIT certified (65%), 12 officers are certified as CIT Coaches and 2 officers are Course Directors.

Currently 10 police/fire dispatchers are also CIT certified. We continue to certify our new officers in CIT and refresher training opportunities to those already certified.


Westminster Police Department’s Mental Health Co-Responder Program pairs a mental health specialist with a police officer to respond to behavioral health related calls for service. 

The City of Westminster’s Co Responder program was brought under the city’s leadership in December 2022 after originally being contracted with Community Reach Center from July 2020 – December 2022. By doing this, we have been able to expand our team to four licensed clinicians, a case manager, and a supervisor. This also allows the Co Responders to better serve the community and other city departments handle calls for service and be more active in city events. The Co Responder team utilizes the combined expertise of the officer and the behavioral health specialist to de-escalate situations and help link people with behavioral health issues to appropriate services. Goals of the program include: prevention of unnecessary incarceration and/or hospitalization of mentally ill individuals, to provide alternate care in the least restrictive environment through a coordinated systemwide approach, prevent duplication of mental health services and facilitate the return of law enforcement units to patrol activities. Members of the Co Responder program also help triage calls into dispatch to help determine if an in-person response is necessary/required. This allows officers to remain in service in order to handle other priority calls for service.

Since the program was established in July of 2020, the Co-Responders have responded to, been referred, and followed up with a total of 5,001 members of our community. As a result of our ability to provide additional follow ups, 76% of these contacts were successful. During that same period the PD received 4,337 calls for service that involved someone suffering from a behavioral health crisis or other identified mental health issue. As a result, the Co-Responders were able to intervene in 59.4% of calls for police service that had a behavioral health or crisis component.  The Co-Responders are able to de-escalate situations and stabilize individuals within the community or in their own homes.  Recognizing that mental health difficulties affect many members of our community is not exclusive to law enforcement.  To better serve Westminster citizens, the Co-Responders have begun to work with various city departments.  These include the fire department, homeless navigator, victim services and the municipal court. The purpose of these collaborations is to offer coordinated wrap around services to some of our communities’ most vulnerable populations at the time they are most in need.  The Co-Responders are committed to problem solving and have adopted this citywide, team approach to best serve each client and their individual needs.

Victim Services

Being the victim of a crime can be an overwhelming and traumatic experience, that is why our victim services unit is here to provide you with resources and support through this tumultuous time. We provide services to victims of crime in accordance with the Colorado's Crime Victim Rights Act (VRA). Our services include but are not limited to

  • Crisis intervention and safety planning
  • Information about your rights as the victim of a crime (VRA)
  • Information and assistance about Crime Victims Compensation
  • Support during the investigation process
  • Information about the criminal justice system
  • Information and assistance with protection orders
  • Referral to other agencies for resources and support

For more in-depth information about our services view our brochure

If you have questions about your case or want to know more about what we do, please contact us at our non-emergent number 303-658-4210. In cases of emergency please call 911

Colorado’s Victim Rights Act

Please review the following list to see what crimes fall under the VRA and what rights and protections the victim is entitled to.

For English version click here

For Spanish version click here

For other translations click here

Crime Victims Compensation

Victim Compensation is a monetary fund distributed by the Crime Victim Compensation Board in each Judicial District. Funds awarded can help with the replacement of external doors, locks or windows that were damaged during a criminal incident; medical expenses related to the criminal incident, or mental health counseling needed as a result of a criminal incident. To apply for Victim Compensation, the following criteria must be met:

  • The victim must be cooperative with the investigation of the crime
  • The victim must not have been engaged in the commission of a crime at the time of their victimization.

Victim Compensation is an application process and awards cannot be guaranteed. To receive an application or for further questions, please contact Victim Services at 303-658-4210 or email us at


You can also apply online for CVC with this link

U Visa Information

Through the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (VTVPA) of 2000, Congress created the U Visa (U non-immigrant classification) to provide legal status to victims of specified crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful in the investigation or prosecution of the criminal act.   The U Visa provides eligible crime victims with nonimmigrant status the ability to temporarily remain in the United States while assisting law enforcement. 

Who is eligible for a U Visa?

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) may find an applicant eligible for a U Visa if the applicant:

  • Is the direct or indirect victim of qualifying criminal activity; 
  • Has suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of criminal activity; 
  • Has been helpful, is helpful, or is likely to be helpful to a Federal, State, or local prosecutor, to a Federal or State judge, to USCIS, or to other Federal, State, or local authorities investigating or prosecuting criminal activity; and 
  • The criminal activity violated the laws of the United States or occurred in the U.S. or the territories and possessions of the United States. 

Additional information can be found through the USCIS by clicking here.

To apply for a U-Visa the applicant must:

  • File Form I-918, Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status, with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). 
  • A law enforcement certification (Form I-918, Supplement B) must be submitted to confirm the applicant's helpfulness to law enforcement. 

Submission requirements for felony cases or cases currently being investigated by the Westminster Police Department: 

  • Request letter on legal service letterhead 
  • I-918 Form (PDF) flat copy filled out 
    • Name of Head of Certifying Agency: Norm Haubert 
    • Title: Chief of Police 
  • Include copy of police report/records of incident pertaining to application 
  • Submissions accepted by email or standard postal delivery 
    • Via email: send request to Detective J. Berzanji at jberzanj@westminsterco.gov
    • Via postal delivery: ATT Detective J. Berzanji (9110 Yates Street, Westminster CO 80031) 
  • Include pre-paid postage 

Note: Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed. 

Visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for more information. 

For individuals who currently have a case through the Westminster Municipal Court please contact Brian Fuselier at bfuselie@westminsterco.gov for further assistance on applying for U-Visa status. 

The Westminster Department recognizes the importance of U Visas to crime victims and is committed to reviewing and responding to certification requests in a timely manner. If you are an individual with nonimmigrant status and a victim of a qualifying criminal activity being investigated by the Westminster Police Department seeking more information about this process, please call our victim services unit at 303-658-4210 or email us at victimservices@cityofwestminster.us.


VineLink can help you to stay informed when individuals are release from jail. If you want to be informed when an inmate is released from custody you can sign up to receive notification here


Or call 888-263-8463 to sign up over the phone

Information About Court Hearings

Defendants in Domestic Violence related crimes as well as some violent persons crimes are held on a no-bond hold and must be seen before a judge within 48 hours of being arrested. You can watch weekend and holiday court advisements with the link below. Please keep yourself muted throughout the hearing.

*If you want to watch the court hearings but want to remain anonymous do not put your name when prompted. Just write “anonymous” instead.

Adams County Advisements


Or call 720-650-7664 to listen in

Meeting #25947942982

Jefferson County Advisements


Or call 303-271-6100

*Mon-Fri these hearings can be watched from PorchLight a Family Justice Center in Lakewood. Please call 720-853-8850 for more information. *

Westminster Municipal Court Weekend Advisements


Passcode 3030#

Or call in at 312-584-2401

Helpful Resources and Other Information

Interested in Volunteering with Victim Services

Our Victim Services Unit is always looking for volunteers who want to give back to their community. Our team of Advocates provide support for the community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a volunteer you would be asked to take 3 on call shifts a month.

To Become a Volunteer Victim Advocate

  • Fill out a volunteer application
  • Pass an extensive background check,
  • Successfully complete a 40-hour training program
  • Attend monthly meetings
  • Sign-up for three 12-hour, on-call shifts each month

911 Information

The Westminster Communications division is responsible for answering all 911 emergency phone calls, non-emergency phone calls and dispatching for the Westminster Police & Fire units. They also dispatch for Animal Management and often communicate with the Standley Lake Rangers and various City departments.

Dispatchers are trained to process and prioritize multiple phone calls at once while also working a police or fire radio channel. They utilize multiple computer systems to create calls for service, log responder locations, check for wants/warrants, etc. All of the dispatchers are trained in emergency medical dispatch (EMD) so they can provide life-saving information to callers while an ambulance is on the way. They are trained to walk callers though CPR, child birth, and other non-life threatening medical emergencies.

Calling 911

911 should be reserved for life or death emergencies – the situation urgently requires police, fire, or medical assistance. 911 is also for any crime that is in progress.
Our non-emergency phone number (303 658 4360) can be utilized for non-emergency crime that is not life threatening, not in progress, or no suspect is present. It can also be utilized to file a crime report or for general police, fire, or animal management questions.
The first question the dispatcher will ask is for your exact location. This is the first and most important question so they will know where to send help. Landline phones provide us the address but cell phones do not. Cell phones may provide varying location information to the dispatchers so it is important to tell the dispatcher exactly where to send help.

Once the location of the emergency is determined, the dispatcher may need to transfer your call to another agency so the proper law enforcement or fire agency can respond to your location.

Because the dispatchers are handling multiple phone lines at once, they may need to place you on hold while they process a phone call of a higher priority. If this occurs, please be patient and do not hang up. 

911 mis-dials and hang up calls

If you notice that you accidentally dialed 911, remain on the line and explain to the dispatcher that you dialed 911 in error.  
If the dispatcher received a 911 “pocket dial” or a hang up call, they will make at least two attempts to call you back in an effort to make sure you are OK and that you do not need assistance.

Text to 911

Westminster Communications is set up to receive Texts to 911.  If you are in a situation where it is unsafe for you or you are unable to make a voice call to 911, simply send a text to 911. You will still need to be able to provide your location and the details of the emergency. If Text to 911 is not available in your area you will received a bounce-back message indicating that you must make a voice call to 911. Calling 911 is preferred as it a quicker and more efficient way to gather information about the emergency. CALL IF YOU CAN, TEXT IF YOU MUST.

Emergency Notification System



Check out our new emergency alert system

Neighborhood Traffic Complaints

Neighborhood traffic safety is one of the top complaints that citizens have about their community, and it continues to be a priority for Westminster City Council, law enforcement, and area schools. After years of use and evaluation, more traditional methods of traffic calming, including speed bumps and traffic circles, have proven ineffective. We have found that the best approach is to have officers evaluate each individual concern and work to provide the best solution. The concern will be assigned to a traffic officer for evaluation. If the officer sees there is a problem, additional enforcement can be scheduled for the neighborhood. They may also work with city traffic engineers and local HOA's to resolve the problem. 

If you are concerned about a traffic issue in your neighborhood, you may report it online here, call 303-658-4335, or email jbeaudry@westminsterco.gov

Online Traffic Accident Reporting
The Colorado Department of Revenue provides an online accident reporting form, which can be used during accident alerts, for accidents in parking lots or for hit-and-run accidents with no suspect. The following conditions must be met:

  • Damage under $1,000.
  • No injuries.
  • Vehicles are driveable.
  • Parties have insurance.
  • No suspicion of alcohol/drugs.

Obtaining a Copy of an Accident Report

Obtain a copy of a traffic accident report using an online service. There is a charge for using this service. You will need the date of the accident, the department case number and a valid credit card to access your report for a quick and easy download.

Additional Resources


Filing a Police Report

You can now file select police reports online.  Please follow this link to file a report.

Police Commendation 

Send an e-mail to express appreciation for commendable acts.

Animal Management Complaint 

Report barking dogs, animal neglect and animals at-large.

Graffiti Report

Reportgraffiti in the city. (To report graffiti on your own property, please call 303-658-4360 to file a police report).

Report Code Violations 

Report violations for weeds, trash, parking violations and sidewalk obstruction.

Report Traffic Complaint  

Report non-emergency traffic complaints, including speeding, school zone violations and reckless driving.

Report a Traffic Accident 

This link provides an online accident reporting form, which can be used during accident alerts, for accidents in parking lots or for hit-and-run accidents with no suspect. The following conditions must be met:

  • Damage under $1,000
  • No injuries
  • Vehicles are driveable
  • Parties have insurance
  • No suspicion of alcohol/drugs.

Obtain Traffic Accident Report  

Obtain a copy of a traffic accident report using an online service. There is a charge for using this service. You will need the date of the accident, the department case number and a valid credit card to access your report for a quick and easy download.

Crime Trends

Theft Rings Targeting Shoppers

Date: 9/4/24

Please remember to keep your purses, wallets and other valuables with you at all times while shopping. There has been an increase in organized pickpocket and theft rings across the metro area.

These thieves are targeting shoppers by stealing personal items left unattended in shopping carts. These criminals are not only using stolen credit and debit cards quickly, but taking it a step further. They are engaging in identity theft by opening online accounts in victims' names and transferring funds from existing accounts.

To protect yourself, keep your belongings secured and with you. It's challenging for police to track down these offenders, so prevention is key. Please report suspicious activity by calling non-emergency dispatch at 303-658-4360.

Burglary Trend Targeting Small Business Owners

Date: 7/29/24

The Westminster Police Department wants to make you aware of a burglary trend happening in our community and across the metro area. We have several cases involving home burglaries, specifically the homes of small business owners. The individuals committing these crimes are known to follow small business owners home from work & burglarize their homes while they are away. We believe these criminals suspect large amounts of cash to be kept in these houses. In some cases, these suspects will place trackers on victims' vehicles and/or monitor victims' homes with hidden surveillance cameras. If you find a suspicious device, do not handle. Please contact non-emergency dispatch 303-658-4360.

Here are some tips to protect your business & home:

  • Keep vehicles locked
  • Check your surroundings - especially in parking lots as you go to/from your vehicle
  • Be mindful of anyone who may be following you home
  • Be aware of any unwanted/unsolicited deliveries to your home - especially food deliveries
  • Think about how you secure valuables in your home
  • Do not store large amounts of cash in your home
  • Consider motion sensor lighting around your home
  • Install security cameras & an alarm system around your home and/or business
  • Communicate with your neighbors

Please report any suspicious activity as it relates to this crime trend by calling non-emergency dispatch 303-658-4360.

PSA - English

PSA - Spanish

Avoiding Common Scams

Banking Scam

The victim will receive a phone call from a scammer claiming to be their bank. They then tell the victim their account has been compromised and they need to transfer their funds to another account. The scammer asks the victim for their account number to make the transfer.

What To Do: Hang up the phone, call your bank and tell them what happened. If it was your bank, they already have your account number and they will NEVER make those types of bank transfers over the phone.

Prize Winner / Lottery Scam

In these scams, the victims are contacted stating they won a lottery or sweepstakes. Scammers will often state they are from Publishers Clearing House or the Canadian Lottery. The victim is then told that to receive their price they must pay taxes on their winnings first, or that there is some fee that needs to be paid to release the money. The victim is instructed on how and where to send the money.

What To Do: If you actually won a prize, taxes are withheld or the winner would claim it later as income. You should never have to pay money up front to receive a prize. If this happens to you, take a phone number from the scammer telling them that you will call them back. Hang up with them and use your phone to look up the original organization's phone number and call them directly to verify if you won a prize.

Grandparent Scam

In this scam you will receive a phone call from someone claiming to be a grandchild or family member stating they have been arrested in another state or country. The victims in these cases have said that the voice have even sounded like their family member. Another scammer may get on the phone claiming to be an attorney or law enforcement saying that you need to bond a family member out. If the victim sends the funds to the scammer, they are often contacted a second time and given a reason why more money needs to be sent. This happens until the victim catches on and hangs up and calls their loved one who is usually at home and not in jail.

What To Do: When you receive the call hang up the phone and call your grandchild. You will know if they are okay or not.

Other Tips:

  • NEVER provide financial information over the phone
  • If you are contacted by law enforcement, we will never ask for money, or PayPal cards to pay bonds
  • No government uses gift cards or PayPal cards to conduct business
  • Scammers like to create a sense of urgency
  • When skepticism is expressed by the victim, the scammers often become more aggressive and try to make the matter seem more urgent

Report suspicious activity by calling non-emergency dispatch at 303-658-4360.

The goal of the Ride Along Program is to acquaint Westminster residents andbusiness owners with their Police Department in a continuing effort to promotecommunity/police understanding and cooperation. The minimum age for theprogram is 16. A parent or guardian of minors under the age of 18 must sign aparental release form.

There are currently eight patrol teams from which an applicant canrequest a ride along. All rides are scheduled for four hours. Pleasesee the Ride Along application for team schedules and limitations regardingscheduling.

If you are interested in the Ride Along Program, and live or own a businessin Westminster, you must fill out an application and read the program rules. Ifyou have any questions, contact the Administrative Assistant of Patrol Servicesat 303-658-4281.

Please understand that due to high demand and staffing levels there may be a substantial delay in when you are able to ride.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but we look forward to having citizens ride with officers again as we believe it is an important part of our department’s transparency.


Please visit our App in the iPhone app store or Google play store for the most up to date events calendar


April 27th 10am-2pm - Drug Take Back Event - Police Department - 9110 Yates St.

May 24th 7pm-dusk  - Cuisine with Cops - City Park 10455 Sheridan Bl.

May 15th 11:45am - Police Officer Memorial Ceremony, - Police Department - 9110 Yates St.

May TBD-  Shred-a-Thon, Police Department - 9110 Yates St.

June 3-7, 2024 - Teen Citizens Academy - Police Department - 9110 Yates St.

June 22 10am-2pm - Public Safety Open House - 9110 Yates Street 

June 14th 7pm- Dusk - Cuisine with Cops - Westminster High School - 6933 Raleigh St.

July 12th 7pm- Dusk - Cuisine with Cops - Amherst Park, 13085 Pecos St

August 6, 2024, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. - National Night Out - Private individually-hosted neighborhood parties throughout the city.

August  6pm-8pm - Cuisine with Cops - Country Side Pool 10470 Oak St

August 23rd 7pm - Dusk - Cuisine with Cops - Legacy Ridge

September 13th 7pm - Dusk- Cuisine with Cops - McFall Park 4801 W. 92nd Ave

Fall 2024Tuesday Evenings 6pm to 9pm - Fall Citizens Academy, Police Department - 9110 Yates St.


LGBTQ+ -Officer Samantha Fulk sfulk@westminsterco.gov 303 658 4134

Senior Liaison – Detective Ron Wolf –rwolf@westminsterco.gov 303 658 4718

Hmong Community -Officer Xiong – yxiong@westminsterco.gov 303 658 4096

Hispanic Community Detective Kailey Linkus –kgarcia@westminsterco.gov 303 658 4109

Detective Josh Berzanji – jberzanj@westminsterco.gov  303 658 4710

ADA Commander Adam Nielsen – anielsen@westminsterco.gov 303 658 4107

Download our Mobile App  

Keep up to date with our new mobile app for Iphone and Android. You can find it in the App store or on Google Play under Westminster Police.

About the Organization

Community Services

Cold Cases

Chief’s Community Advisory Panel


Compliment And Complaint Procedures

It is the goal of the Westminster Police Department to provide the highest level of law enforcement services. We want to ensure our employees are performing their duties professionally. Police work is a complex job and we realize we may exceed or fall short of your expectations.

Compliments or complaints may be made at any time via any one of the ways listed below.

  • Handwritten or typed compliments or complaints may be mailed to:
  • Westminster Police Department Professional Standards

c/o Professional Services Commander

9110 Yates Street

Westminster, CO  80031

  • Call the non-emergency dispatch line at 303-658-4360 and a request to speak to either the on-duty supervisor or the sergeant or commander in charge of Professional Services.
  • Come into the Public Safety Center located at 9110 Yates Street and ask to speak with the sergeant or commander in charge of Professional Services, or if after business hours, ask to speak with the watch commander.
  • Comments may be left on our comment line at 303-658-4424.

We value your input on the level of service we deliver.


Peace Officer-Involved Shooting Investigations Protocol

In compliance with Senate Bill 15-219, the Westminster Police Department utilizes the Adams County Critical Incident team to investigate any incidents involving the discharge of a firearm by a peace officer that results in injury/death or any other use of force by a peace officer that results in death



Can't Find What You're Looking For?

If you are having a hard time finding the information you are looking for we want to know. We are constantly looking for feedback to make our site better. Share your ideas with Investigator Cheri Spottke, cspottke@westminsterco.gov or 303-658-4421.

Donate Old Cell Phones

EEO Utilization Report

As a recipient of the Department of Justice grant funding, it is a requirement that the Police Department create an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP), which is also known as an Equal Opportunity Utilization Report/Short Form.  The purpose of the EEOP is to make sure that recipients of the financial assistance of the Department of Justice are providing equal employment opportunities to men and women regardless of gender, race, age group, religious affiliation, ethnicity or disability. 

The City of Westminster is a drug free workplace and an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity and aims to have its workplace reflect the community. 

Non-Discrimination Policy and Complaint Procedure

  • A brochure from the U.S. Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs on “Civil Rights Laws Prohibit Discrimination by Agencies that Receive Federal Assistance.”
  • A brochure from the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies – Colorado Civil Rights Division that “Promotes and protects civil rights in the State of Colorado through education and enforcement of anti-discrimination laws in the areas of employment, housing and places of public accommodation.”

 Federal 1033 Program

The Westminster Police Department is currently enrolled in the Federal 1033 Program, which allows local law enforcement agencies to receive excess Department of Defense (DoD) property that may aid in our abilities to provide public safety services to the community.  In the past, the department has utilized this program to acquire equipment, such as: a tactical robot, night-vision, small arms, cold weather gear, clothing and items of similar function.  Currently the only item the police department has in-service is a Packbot Robot.  Certain types of this equipment is categorized as “controlled” property, which always remains the property of and is accountable to the DoD.  Examples of controlled property is: night-vision equipment, small arms, demilitarized vehicles and aircraft. When a law enforcement agency no longer wants the controlled property, it must be returned to the federal agency for proper disposition.  Some of the items we may request in the future could include: night vision, active threat type breaching equipment, riot protection gear, robots and training ammunition.  Please note this notice does not ensure acquisition of stated property, as all property is on a first come basis with all participating LEAs in 49 states and four U.S. territories.  We welcome and seek the input of our communities where controlled property could be used. For inquiries into the program please visit: CDPS 1033 Program.  If you have questions about the police department’s utilization of the program, contact Commander Trevor Materasso at tmateras@westminsterco.gov