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Sheridan Green Information and Feedback

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Stratford Park Expansion Open House

Stratford Park is getting bigger, and we need your help designing it!

Wednesday, Sept. 11
5:30-7 p.m.
College Hill Library, Room L-211
(3705 W 112th Ave.)

Join us online or in person to hear more about the project and share your hopes and vision for the future of the park. The event will be in room L-211 and begin with a brief presentation at 5:45 p.m. before moving into an open house format until 7 p.m..

To join virtually, click here.


Neighborhood Advisory Group:

If you love Stratford Park as much as we do, apply to join our Neighborhood Advisory Group. This team will play an important part in communicating project updates to their networks and relaying feedback on the plan to the project team. Members will be selected in September.

Apply to join the Neighborhood Advisory Group

Brief Background:

  • Jeffco Public Schools closed the Sheridan Green Elementary School after the 2022/2023 school year.
  • Ownership of the site was then transferred to the City of Westminster in the fall of 2023.
  • The City of Westminster analyzed several different option for the site to determine their impact on the surrounding community and City resources.
  • The City also collected feedback from the community through public meetings and surveys.
  • In support of the community’s desire to preserve the property for the public good, City Council appropriated $3.7 million to remove the Sheridan Green facility and expand the adjacent park.
  • Once complete, the Sheridan Green community will be able to enjoy an expanded Stratford Park that will double in size, from 6 to 12 acres.

Progress to Date (as of August 2024):

  • Pinyon Environmental, Inc. conducted an extensive survey of the site to identify any potentially hazardous materials. The investigation found no asbestos containing materials within the site.
  • The City of Westminster and Jeffco Schools have identified a wide variety of equipment, materials, and supplies from the building that can be reused at other locations.
  • Efforts to repurpose items within the school are already underway. Items that have already been repurposed include door hardware, shelving, chairs, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, white boards, projectors, carpet, and gymnasium equipment.
  • The City has selected the firm Mundus Bishop to provide design services for the redeveloped park.
  • Planned irrigation improvements around the athletic fields are currently underway.
  • The Peace Pole has been uninstalled and placed in storage for future reuse on the site.
  • The Stratford Park tennis courts have been resurfaced.
  • A contractor has been selected to manage the deconstruction of the school and the expansion of the park. 

Next Steps:

  • Westminster's Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department (PRL) will begin a robust community engagement process to guide the design of the park. This will include the formation of a Neighborhood Advisory Group and public open houses.
  • Replacement swing seats will be installed to replace the damaged ones that were previously removed.

Update November 28, 2023:

In support of the community’s desire to preserve the property for the public good, City Council appropriated $3.7 million to design the park expansion and remove the Sheridan Green facility. Once complete, the Sheridan Green community will be able to enjoy an expanded Stratford Park that will double in size, from 6 to 12 acres.

Along with several other councillors, Mayor Nancy McNally, a 45-year resident of Sheridan Green, voiced her desire to rename Stratford Park, and City Council intends to consider the park renaming on Monday, December 4. 

On Monday, November 20, City staff provided an update to City Council about the adaptive reuse of Sheridan Green. Based on several factors including extensive community feedback and support, staff recommended that Sheridan Green be merged into an expanded Stratford Park. The building would be demolished as part of the park expansion project. In addition, staff recommends immediately replacing the swings that were removed for safety reasons and refinishing the existing tennis courts for the community.

Should City Council provide direction on one of the four concepts, Staff is prepared to come back to City Council for formal approval on Monday, November 27

 If you would like to attend the City Council Study Session on November 20, it will be held at City Hall (4800 W. 92nd Ave.) beginning at 6:30 p.m. Residents can also watch the livestream on the City's YouTube and Facebook page. Learn more and watch staff's presentation at:
Update October 18, 2023: The online feedback form for the third community meeting held on October 10 closed Tuesday, October 17. City Council will review these concepts and your feedback at the November 13 City Council meeting. 
Update September 28, 2023: A third community meeting about the adaptive reuse of Sheridan Green is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Upon learning of JeffCo Public Schools’ (JPS) decision to close Sheridan Green earlier this year, the City worked hard to ensure a smooth transition of ownership on September 1, 2023. We appreciate the community’s continued engagement with us.   

At the upcoming meeting, we will provide an overview of a more detailed set of concepts, including its’ financial and community impact, as well as timing, likelihood of success, and other important factors, for the community’s consideration.  

City Council was presented with the following concepts earlier this week, and they directed staff to seek additional feedback from the community. City Council will again review these concepts and provide additional direction on November 13.  

  • Concept 1: City retains the property and uses it to provide recreation and library programming.  
  • Concept 2: The Rocky Mountain Presbyterian Church (RMPC) purchases the property as a new home for their congregation, as well as providing community programming including an afterschool program. 
  • Concept 3: City retains the property, expands Stratford Park, and the building is demolished.  
  • Concept 4: City leases the site to Revolution ABA who will provide access to therapy, education, and childcare services for children with special needs. 

We are committed to being transparent with the community in this process. Please share this information with your Sheridan Green neighbors. 

Meeting Information: 

Date and Time: Tuesday, October 10 from 6 –7:30 p.m. 

Location: Sheridan Green (10951 Harlan St, Westminster, CO) 

Update August 1, 2023: A second community meeting about the adaptive reuse of Sheridan Green Elementary is scheduled for Thursday, August 24, from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Upon learning of JeffCo Public Schools’ (JPS) decision to close Sheridan Green earlier this year, Westminster has been working closely with JPS to ensure a smooth transition of ownership, and we appreciate your continued engagement with us.  

At the upcoming meeting, we will provide an overview of the community feedback that we have received and present some potential concepts for discussion based on community input.  

  • Concept 1: City retains the property and utilizes it for community programming including but not limited to recreation, children’s summer camps, and library options.  
  • Concept 2: The Rocky Mountain Presbyterian Church (RMPC) has expressed interest in purchasing the property as a new home for their congregation, as well as providing community programming including an afterschool program. 
  • Concept 3: A hybrid of options 1 and 2 where the City sells the property to RMPC or another entity, and the City leases a portion of the property to provide recreation and library programming. 

While we are in the early concept phase of repurposing Sheridan Green Elementary and are still seeking solicitations from organizations, RMPC leadership has been invited to present their proposal to ensure the community has the latest information. 

We are committed to being transparent with the community in this process. Please share this information with your Sheridan Green neighbors. 

Meeting Information: 

Date and Time: Thursday, August 24 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. 
Location: Sheridan Green Elementary (10951 Harlan St.) 


Get the facts about Sheridan Green’s transition by clicking on the links below:


Solicitation of Private Interest:

The City of Westminster will assume ownership of the Sheridan Green Elementary School property from the Jefferson County School District on September 1, 2023. The City has received inquiries from private parties and is using this Notice of Interest to solicit additional private party interest. If you have an interest in acquiring the property for a public or private purpose, please contact Heather Cronenberg (hcronenb@westminsterco.gov) or John Burke (jburke@westminsterco.gov) by September 1, 2023.