Homepage > Residents > Roads & Construction > Cone Zone > Federal Parkway Widening Project

Federal Parkway Widening Project

Project Details

Update as of August 2023:

In October, 2022 Westminster City Council approved the additional budget necessary proceed with construction for this project. In December, 2022 the City received $3,000,000 in grant funding to help cover the cost of this project. To address Federal funding requirements, construction for this project has been delayed to spring of 2024.

The Federal Parkway widening project will provide a consistent four-lane roadway from West 120th Avenue to West 122nd Avenue.

Additional improvements associated with this project include:

  • Concrete median separating northbound and southbound travel lanes;

  • Bike lanes;

  • Mid-block crossing and connection to Big Dry Creek Trail at the Country Club Village business subdivision;

  • Storm drainage improvement; and

  • Street lights.

Currently there is an un-widened gap in the roadway corridor. This project will complete the widening to 122nd Ave with minimal impacts to properties in the subdivision to the south.


The design is 100% complete. Currently Staff is working on providing all additional information necessary to meet federal funding requirements. This is expected to be complete February of 2024.  Construction is expected to begin spring of 2024 and is anticipated to have a duration of 15 months.

For any additional questions please contact Aaron Kirchner. 303-658-2143, engineering@westminsterco.gov

View Video For Detailed Plans and Maps

Survey Results

The city received great community feedback from the survey about the Federal Parkway widening project.  The results of the survey indicated that this webpage and email are the best ways to convey information about the project. The survey also clarified that the majority of the community views “Traffic” and “Access DURING Construction” as the more concerning aspect of the project. City staff will keep these items in mind moving forward with the project and future updates. 

The anonymous results of the survey and frequently asked questions are below. 


Q:  Why is the widening only going to 122nd Avenue?
A:  The intent is to have a future second phase continuing the widening of Federal Parkway to a four lane roadway up to 128th Avenue. There are a couple reasons why the full widening project was split into two phases:
Budget: the bridge over Big Dry Creek will need to be widened, which is a significant cost that our budget can not afford at this time. Furthermore, the bridge itself is in good structural condition based on our biennial inspection reports. 
Right of Way: the city has the necessary right-of-way (property) to construct the widening from 120th to 122nd. A road widening north of the bridge will require the city to acquire additional right-of-way. This will take time and additional funds.
City Limits: Westminster’s limits extend roughly to Willow Run Parkway. It is Broomfield’s jurisdiction the remaining stretch of road north to 128th Avenue. With that being said, there is a potential to partner with Broomfield to complete the road widening to 128th Avenue. That negotiation and agreement would take time as well.
Long-short-short: we intend to continue the widening with the next phase and ultimately get to 128th Avenue. There are more challenges with the widening north of 122nd Avenue that will take additional time, and that is why we kept this project to the segment from 120th to 122nd.

Q:  Am I going to be able to turn left onto Federal Parkway from Zuni Street?
A:  Yes. You will be allowed to turn left onto Federal Parkwayfrom Zuni Street.

Q:  There is not enough traffic to widen Federal Parkway. Why isthe city widening the road?
A:   The traffic counts were performed citywide in 2017. FederalParkway had an average daily traffic volume of 12,274 vehicles. Per the “Cityof Westminster Standards and Specifications for the Design and Construction ofPublic Improvements” criteria, this volume of traffic classifies FederalParkway as a minor arterial roadway. This classification of street isdesignated as a 4-lane facility.  

Q:  Will this project promote more speeding and traffic onFederal Parkway?
A:  The project is not changing the existing curvature of the roadwayor speed limit. There is no evidence to suggest that widening the road willproduce more traffic or speeding.  

Q:  The pedestrian crossing does not seem safe. What is the citydoing to make the pedestrian crossing safer?
A:  The pedestrian crossing is currently located at thenortheast access to the Country Club Village business subdivision. There willbe pedestrian activated flashing beacons and a refuge area in the medianprovided as part of this project. The design team concluded this location hadboth the best visibility and has an adequate connection to the Big Dry CreekTrail system. 

Q:  Are there going to be bike lanes as part of this project?
A:  Yes. There will be 5-foot bike lanes on both northbound andsouthbound lanes.    

Q:  Is there going to be street lighting installed past 122ndAvenue? It is dark and unsafe. Additionally, how will the street lightingaffect the adjacent open space?
A:  Yes. The street lights will be installed along FederalParkway to the south side of the bridge. These street lights will have dimmingcapabilities, soft light color and a dark sky rating. These features allow thecity’s traffic staff to find a balance between safety for the roadway users andlessening the impact to the wildlife in the open space.   

Contact Information

Project Manager Seth Plas: 303-658-2096 or engineering@westminsterco.gov