Everyone is a pedestrian at some point during the day – whether that means walking from the transit stop to work, from the parking lot to the store, or walking with your children to school. A successful transportation system must consider the needs, safety, and comfort for individuals who walk. Providing better walking options leads to a healthier community and increased local economic vitality.
City staff is working hard to place greater emphasis to the pedestrian conditions in the city. As private developments or city projects occur, staff is re-designing facilities to safely and comfortably accommodate people of all ages and abilities.
Want to view all the businesses, entertainment and services within walking distance of your home? Get your neighborhood's Walk Score.
Regional Trail System
Westminster is home to more than 150 miles of completed regional trails laced together, connecting people to each other and to the natural beauty of our city. The U.S. 36 Bikeway provides residents and visitors 18-miles of separated shared-use trail connection to Denver and Boulder. The Big Dry Creek Trail provides 12-miles of safe and simple bicycle connection from Thornton to Standley Lake. Ready to go on a stroll? Check out the city's Trail Map.
Safe Routes to School
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a federal program to improve the well-being of children by improving walking and bicycling conditions on routes to school and enabling and encouraging children to walk and bike these routes. Westminster partners with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and local schools to help them develop their own individualized SRTS Program and Plan. Program elements can include Walking School Buses, Bike Rodeos, classroom walking contests, and much more. Contact Transportation & Mobility staff to see how to get your school involved, or check out CDOT’s SRTS program overview.
Walking Safety Tips
Walking is a healthy activity, but you need to know the rules of thumb of pedestrian safety. To stay safe walking, follow these rules of the road:
- Walk facing traffic when walking on a street without sidewalks
- Cross safely - cross at the corner or at marked crosswalks.
- When crossing, always look both ways, even on a one-way street.
- At traffic signals, cross only when you have a “Walk” sign or symbol.
- A flashing “Don’t Walk” sign means don’t start—but if you’re already walking, proceed across carefully.
- Watch for turning traffic.
- Use pedestrian buttons where available.
- Take note of when the sun is in drivers’ eyes, especially at sunrise and sunset, and proceed with extra caution.
Spotted an Issue? 
Access Westminster is the city’s mobile phone application designed to provide our residents, businesses, and visitors the ability to report an issue on the spot. Sidewalk needs repair? Streetlight needs fixing? Tell us. We are here to help!