Big Dry Creek Improvements Open House
Thank you for joining us for the Big Dry Creek Improvements Open House. The community gathered to learn more about the Big Dry Creek Sewer Improvements Project and the upcoming Big Dry Creek Streambank Restoration Project that begins this fall.

Big Dry Creek Trail Now open! Short-term detour still in place north of City Park Pond
As part of the sewer construction restoration efforts, the City of Westminster is constructing a new bike and pedestrian roundabout trail near City Park just north of City Park Pond.
Please be aware that a detour will be in place while this work is being completed. Obey detour signs and construction crew instruction while walking or bicycling in the area.
The good news is that aside from this minor detour, the Big Dry Creek Trail is now open!
We appreciate everyone’s patience with detours over the last couple of years of sewer improvements construction.
Pardon Our Dust: Construction Site Cleanup and Restoration
In areas where the new sewer pipe installation is complete, primarily in the City Park area, crews will begin the process of restoring and landscaping land that was disturbed by sewer construction. This cleanup and initial restoration work will take place over the next two months. Ongoing restoration work will continue through the spring.
This process will include:
- Material hauling and grading: Things like dirt, old or unused pipes, removed concrete will be hauled off-site, and grading, or smoothing out the soil, will also be completed before seeding takes place.
- Seeding of open space: Hay, mulch, or another type of protectant will be installed over new seed to keep it in place and also minimize dust until the seed takes.
- Silt and construction fencing will remain in place: While the newly installed seed establishes, orange construction and black silt fencing will stay in place and will help to stabilize erosive soils during the revegetation process.
Construction Access and Parking During Final Steps:
- Contractors are not permitted to park on Eaton Street and will park within the construction site in designated areas.
- Hauling trucks and construction vehicles will primarily enter/exit the construction site at Eaton Street and we appreciate the neighborhood’s patience as we complete the sewer work in the area.
Dirt and Dust Control Measures
- Crews will intermittently use Eaton Street to remove material and this may cause some dust production. The contractors will use dust mitigation techniques during the removal and grading of dirt and soil.
- Water trucks will be used to keep the construction area and haul roads damp to limit dirt and dust
- Dirt piles will be dampened before moving and hauling dirt within the construction area and offsite
- The work site will be monitored, properly cleaned, and maintained through the restoration phase.
Open Space Improvements
Construction activities the community can expect to see include:
- Installation of new irrigation to ensure City Park and open space vegetation is in better condition than before
- Installation of new trails that connect to the Big Dry Creek Trail at locations impacted by detours and construction vehicles
Project wrap up work will continue through Summer 2023. Areas disrupted by this work will be fully restored to original or better conditions. Phase 2 of Big Dry Creek and City Park improvements will be the Big Dry Creek Streambank Restoration Project, which will ultimately complete final stabilization of soils and establishment of vegetation. This project will mitigate flood and erosion risks by addressing stream instability, flood management, and maintenance issues with the creek.
Project Summary
The City of Westminster is investing $32 million to repair and replace sections of large sewer pipe throughout the northern portion of Westminster beginning in 2020. Although mostly out of sight, this network of underground pipes is critical to protecting public health and the environment 24/7.
The majority of the Big Dry Creek interceptor sewer was installed in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Recent studies have indicated that sections of existing pipe need rehabilitation and additional sections of pipe are required to ensure adequate capacity for current and future wastewater flows.
Approximately half of this project involves lining existing pipes using cured-in-place pipe at various locations throughout Westminster. Cured-in-place pipe technology is a cost-effective and reliable alternative to excavating and replacing pipe which reduces both expense and disruption for residents and inconvenience for motorists and trail users. You will see construction vehicles and workers when the cured-in-place pipe is installed, but there will not be heavy construction or road closures.
The other half of this project involves excavating and installing a new section of pipe and excavating and replacing sections of existing pipe. most of this work will take place in the open space near City Park between 110th Ave and Sheridan Blvd on the northern end and east of the Butterfly Pavilion just south of 104th Ave near Westminster Blvd on the southern end. this new pipe will add resiliency and redundancy to the sewer pipe that serves as the main "artery" carrying wastewater to the Big Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility from the northern two-thirds of the city as far west as Standley Lake. This work will impact trails in the open space surrounding City Park. Trail detour instructions will be provided throughout construction.
When this construction is complete, areas disrupted by this work will be fully restored to original conditions. there will be some long-awaited improvements made to the park and trail system above and beyond current conditions!
Email updates
Project funding
This project is financed by a Clean Water State Revolving Fund low-interest loan. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program is administered by the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority with joint funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Colorado. Clean Water State Revolving Fund programs operate around the country to provide states and communities the resources necessary to maintain and improve the infrastructure that protects our valuable water resources nationwide.

Environmental assessment
As part of the application process for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund low-interest loan, the city completed an environmental assessment for this project.
Environmental assessment and project needs assessment
Project timeline
Cured-in-place pipe lining began in fall 2020 and several project areas have been completed as of November 2021. Cured-in-place piping lining is expected to be completed by mid-2022.
New pipe installation near City Park began in 2021 and will continue through the end of 2022. Restoration of construction areas will take place in phases as construction is completed and will continue into 2023.
Following this sewer project, the city will be conducting streambank restoration and park improvement work in 2023 and beyond. Stay tuned for more information about these improvements.
These timelines are estimates and are subject to change pending weather and other delays.
Resident notification
The City of Westminster understands that this construction impacts residents as well as users of our parks and open spaces, and greatly appreciates everyone’s patience. We will make every effort to ensure construction impacts and project updates are communicated early and often. Sign up to receive project emails using the form above, or follow the city on Facebook, Twitter or Nextdoor for regular updates. Direct notification will be delivered by mail or door-to-door to residents and businesses most impacted by this project.
Why is this project necessary?
If the sewer pipe in the street in front of your home fails, it's a bad day for you and maybe your neighbors. If the sewer pipe that serves as the main "artery" collecting wastewater from your neighborhood and many other neighborhoods fails, it would be a bad day for thousands of people. This project will create resiliency for the main "artery" sewer, so that if it fails, the new pipe can maintain service. This project will also rehabilitate the condition of aging pipes throughout the northern part of Westminster to ensure the reliable, high-quality service our residents expect.
This project was identified following a comprehensive study of the City's sewer system in 2015 and updated in 2018. This study assessed the condition of the existing sewer system, identified risks to maintaining reliable service and prioritized system needs to help the city invest ratepayer funds as efficiently as possible.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to the project team, who can be reached by email at bigdrycreeksewer@westminsterco.govor by phone at 303-706-3005. Thank you for your patience while we invest in our community!